LIVE Data API overview

A static reference for the LIVE Data API, including a description of the fields available.

LIVE Data API endpoint

There are several sections of the LIVE Data API to explore

  • live_area - area id, code and name use to represent match locations
  • live_competition_season - names and ids for competitions and seasons you have access to
  • live_lineup - match schedules and general information about each match (attendance, weather, etc)
  • live_match - discover information about all scheduled matches
  • live_match_event - all the attributes from every event that happened in live match or matches already played
  • live_squad - the current list of players and the teams they play for
  • *_aggregated_stats - provide match, season and competition wide statistics for players and teams.

Interatively Exploring the LIVE Data API graph

StatsBomb recommends using Apollo Studio GraphQL client, which provides an interactive way to navigate and search through the LIVE Data API.

Apollo Studio - generic screenshot

View or Export the Schema

Select the Schema tab in Apollo Studio to view the full schema directly from the API itself (so it is always up to date).

Apollo Studio - export schema

Select the SDL tab in the schema section of Apollo Studio to export a local copy of the LIVE Data schema, which can be exported in raw or JSON format.

Apollo Studio - export schema

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